26 Apr 2022
![CS::BM AND CS::BI. DATA WAREHOUSE, ANALYTICS, REPORTING [CS::BM AND CS::BI. DATA WAREHOUSE, ANALYTICS, REPORTING]](https://csltd.com.ua/media/cache/news_thumb_big/uploads/images/6267f0a53d793602750823.png)
To your attention the overview of the CS::BM – data warehouse system and the CS::BI – analytical system. Herein we will discuss their features and tasks that can be solved with their help.
CS::BM and CS::BI are used by banks separately as independent systems or together while interacting and integrating with other systems. It should be noted that the simultaneous use of the data warehouse system and the analytical system doubles the efficiency for the banking sphere.
CS::BM main features
CS::BM system is a specialized data warehouse that covers all the banking information sources. It is a flexible instrument for accumulating and processing different information about banking activity.
Main features of the CS::BM data warehouse:
- Collection and accumulation of the business data from different sources.
The accumulated business data that is constantly generated by different systems that are used in the bank (CBS, CRM, processing, HRM and other data source systems) is uploaded to the warehouse.
Advantages and features:
- Opportunity of the prompt integration of different data to the data warehouse for their further processing and storage.
- Use of flexible modules for the sources connection.
- Expansion of the set of entities that are imported (tables).
- Expansion of the set of the imported indicators on entities (table fields)
- Use of different schedules of the data import: everyday download (according to banking days) or during the day (pseudo-online).
- Use of different mechanisms of the data import.
- Data download to the data warehouse is performed by use of two modes:
- Download taking into account the changes, appeared from the last download with a use of Oracle GoldenGate replication technology or with a use of the developed mechanism (CS::BM scheduler);
- Download without taking into account changes (if the download with changes is impossible).
- Storing the big amounts of data, use of the infinite entity set.
All subject areas of the banking activity are used as sources for the CS::BM data warehouse. It enables to store the information connected to the primary bank activity (finance, CRM) and also to the supporting subject areas (interbank accountancy, human resource management – HRM, budgeting and others) and provides wide opportunities for further work in the analytical system (data business analysis and reports generation – see more detailed information below).
- Processing the accumulated data, uploading to analytical systems.
Advantages and features:
- Control of the data logical integrity and coordination.
- Use of the single data block(so called single point of truth).
- Data quality control that is performed by means of the specially designed subsystem DATA QUALITY. This functionality enables to identify erroneous and problem data in source-systems for the purpose of data rapid correction in DWH.
On the basis of the warehouse data the further analysis and reporting is performed (more detailed information in the part “CS::BI main features”).
Strategic goals of the CS::BM use:
- Prompt provision of the up- to-date information to the bank management and investors.
- Gathering the data about clients activity for the purpose of its analysis and use in the front-office systems to reach better efficiency.
- Performance indicators control of separate products, product segments and bank’s general activity (including bank departments and employees activity).
As a result – the bank efficiency improves.
CS::BI main features
Analytical system CS::BI enables to analyze the data accumulated in the data warehouse on the basis of the logical models and without SQL requests.
We offer our clients the analytical system CS::BI – the fully functional solution for the business data analysis, generation of current and managerial reporting.
CS::BI main features:
- Key indicators analysis:
assets and liabilities portofolios, risks, operations with cards, client base, general ledge, profitability and management. - Reporting generation based on the data warehouse.
The module of the detailed data CS::BM is a single source for building CS::BI data marts. Small banks can build the analytical system where the data marts are generated in the core banking system B2. - Use of bank data marts for reporting generation.
Analytical system CS::BI has its own set of DataMarts. Data marts are used during reporting generation so the end user gets the data in a clear business-terms view. In the same time as visual tools and tools for reports and requests building for marts are used:
- answer – analysis tool “ad hoc” – saved “answers” are transferred to the dashboard;
- dashboard – information analytical panel;
- publisher – reports generation tool of the strict form.
Advantages and features:
- Reporting generation based on the CS::BI, not operational bank systems. In its turn the CS::BI data is generated on the basis of the CS::BM data or in the CBS B2. So it provides a consolidated solution for gathering, processing and analysis of the data that was stored in a processed or transformed form. As a result the requests for reporting generation become simpler and their performance efficiency is being improved.
- Implementation of the unique bank model that enables the use of a big amount of indicators during data marts generation. Also the data for the upload to other systems is being prepared.
The tandem of the Data Warehouse and Analytics. Maximal informativity and deep analysis
Business advantages of the CS::BM and CS::BI simultaneous use:
User advantages of the CS::BM and CS::BI implementation:
- Opportunity to upload only the changed entities of the data source. Quick data download to the analytical system.
- Consolidation of the information that was taken from different sources.
- Ability to add new data sources for the further analysis.
- Use of the detailed mechanism for the data security.
- Analysis of the aggregated indicators (drill down to the maximal detailing: accounts data, contragents, agreements, etc).
- Analysis of the attributes and indicators change history.
- Use of the single data block for the further analysis by all bank departments (so called single point of truth).
- Minimal influence on the operational systems (performance of the resource intensive tasks and analytics out of operational systems).
- Reporting generation by the users who don’t have special knowledge of programming languages.
- Analysis of the indicators from any location in the world and from any gadget connected to the internet.
- Pro-active notification about changes in key business-indicators.
To get more detailed information about CS::BM and CS::BI, please, email us: [email protected].