[Operations with loans]

Operations with loans

Operations with loans are quite time-consuming that is why their performance in online banking system considerably reduces expenses of the bank branches spent not only for servicing but also for attracting customers.

The standard loan functions are as follows:

  • view and manage the list of loans (adjust display, nickname, add icons)
  • view details of selected loan agreements (agreement name, currency, amount, details and conditions)
  • view and print the schedule of loan repayment
  • view and print the history of loan operations
  • repay loans from accounts or cards

Additional services which can be provided at the bank’s request:

Loan selection /
Loan store

      The system searches for the most suitable loan program according to the parameters entered by customers and calculates the repayment schedule
Loan application
 The customer makes a request for a loan. The bank on its own manages the set of fields and pre-scoring rules depending on the loan type. The ready request can be forwarded to the bank loan system using integration interfaces

Credit history
 If the bank has a system for working with credit bureaus it can offer customers a service of requesting credit history

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