В «ING Банк Украина» запущен в промышленную эксплуатацию модуль «Split Currency Position» подсистемы «Управленческий учет (ISMA)» АБС Б2, автоматизирующий работу Казначе
Consolidation of two banks – First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) and Renaissance Credit Bank intended the significant upgrade of the consolidated bank IT-architect
Компанія СS вітає клієнтів та партнерів з 8 березня
Please attend CS Technology Day 2016 on February 24, 2016
The year 2015 turned out to be a success one for the CS company despite the crisis of the Ukrainian banking sector: CS obtained new customers and partners and implemente
In the end of the past year OTP Bank migrated to the Ukrainian processing upon the National Bank of Ukraine demand. The migration project was successfully performed by t
Creditwest Bank became the first bank in Ukraine, which decided to change its core banking system (CBS) in the height of the banking crisis. Bank chose CBS B2 – solution
In 2015 CS implemented a new core banking system in ComInBank
Oleksandr Dovbysh, director of IT Department of PJSC "BTA Bank", thanked CS company for its help in IFRS standards implementation.
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We will be in touch shortly to continue the conversation.Thank you for your interest!