iFOBS is in Step with Leading Trends. Results of International Conference “OB Systems: New Services”

27 Jun 2014

[iFOBS is in Step with Leading Trends. Results of International Conference “OB Systems: New Services”]


Employees of the CS front office solutions department took part at the Conference “OB Systems: New Services” that was held on June, 19, 2014 in Moscow. The conference was initiated by the CNews publisher.

How the market of online banking is developing? How availability of online banking influences the bank rating? Are banks ready to cope with all clients’ needs in the online service sector? Which functionality can be seen as optimal? How to provide online banking usability and security at the same time?

These and many other issues have been considered during the conference.

Alexander Pogulyaka, expert of the CS Ltd, made a presentation titled “Online banking as an effective sales channel for banking products”. He told about the experience of implementing the iFOBS in Ukrainian banks and shared his vision on how an online banking system can be turned to an effective sales channel.

The presentation of our colleague aroused great interest among the participants and Alexander got the prize for the best report from the hosts of the conference – “Bank 3.0”, a book by Brett King.


We asked our colleagues to share their impressions:

- We liked the format of the event, - Alina Overchuk says. – There was no traditional division into the general committee and the audience, all the speakers took part in a round-table meeting and joined in discussions with enthusiasm.
-  After having listened to speeches of other participants and taken part in discussions we understood that our positions on online banking development are much like the positions of the leading manufacturers of remote banking systems, - Alexander Pogulyaka says. – And the core idea which we presented at the conference, - “Sell remotely” – not only keeps up with the time but even is a little bit ahead of it. To really turn online banking to an effective sales channel the banks need to realize the benefit of this approach. This will take some time but not long.

See conference report and materials on the official page of the host - company CNews.

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