16 листопада відбудеться онлайн-зустріч CS «Реєстр рахунків нерезидентів. Перевірки документів»
Reconciliation represents another essential feature in the card services workflow, which saw substantial refinements at the end of 2021. These improvements have introduc
Bank Lviv introduced an updated version of internet banking for business clients
During the online meeting, representatives from CS, Ukrainian banks, and the National Bank of Ukraine discussed the proposed technological implementation by CS for testi
CS became the technology partner for Moldindconbank in the first stage of its IT Landscape Transformation
Запрошуємо на онлайн-зустріч «СЕП 4.1. Миттєві платежі. Реалізація CS» 16 жовтня 2023 року о 16:00
Recently one of our clients – SenseBank – reported on the successful completion of the iFOBS software update and migration to Google Cloud data center
By directing our collective efforts, we are building a strong, free, and independent state. Glory to Ukraine!
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We will be in touch shortly to continue the conversation.Thank you for your interest!